
I don't like talking about uni but guess which happy student just finished their semester exams?! Me! I had all of them over three consecutive days this week (Mon-Wed) and now I'm finally a free bird. I always have found exams to be a contradictory sort of thing. I tend to feel both stressed and relaxed at the same time. Stressed because there is so much to study but relaxed because studying is the only thing I do during that time. From my years of exam experience, I have one wise tip to share (I tell my little sister this all the time): Don't talk about how you went afterwards because you can't change anything! Ignorance is bliss, until of course when you look at your results. But I think this has really helped me focus on what's ahead. Anyway truth be told, I've been having a lot of issues juggling all the things I do: my blog, Etsy, study, travel and other activities. But luckily, I've managed to acquire quite a backlog of posts to help me make it through the last month. Now that I'm free to do the things I enjoy in life, I really can't wait to shoot some of the outfits I've been wearing during these cold few Wintery days. But first! To clear some backlog (I promise the next post will be all fresh!). This post took me forever to put together, mainly because I took way too many photos. These were all snaps taken during my week at ASOS HQ with Jana and the rest of the ASOS team :) We had a lot of fun doing all sorts of fashion stuff and I obviously took too many photos and also video as well :) Hope you guys enjoy the little snippets inside one of the hugest offices I've seen!

PS Just did another shop-my-wardrobe update, check it out here!

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Connie Cao

Travel & lifestyle blogger based in Melbourne, Australia.

new quay promenade
