a mountain that took my breath away


Hello, world! I have since moved from Switzerland to Austria to Italy and the internet connection has been somewhat non-existent. Tethering on the phone seems to be the only way to go right now so apologies for the delay in posts. On the bright side, I literally could almost line up a post a day for the next three weeks. I just wanted to quickly share with you one of the most breathtaking views I have ever been able to witness with my own eyes. I had great expectations of the Swiss landscapes after seeing numerous beautifully shot photos on Google. Little did I know that when I climbed into the panorama gondola at Mt Pilatus, I was about to see the most amazing view I will have ever seen in my life. (Fresh) snow seems to have this effect of being so romantic and movie-like. As we drifted to over thousands of metres above ground, we couldn’t help but keep our eyes fixated on the amazing 360 degree panoramic views around us. I took hundreds of photos which of course, doesn’t do it as much justice as what it is really like in reality. I realise I have too many photos to put in one blog post so I thought I would first do a small post on what you might expect should you one day decide to take a ride up this very mountain.. it's beautiful!

 Wearing: Tom's beanie, Sessun Julie & Candy coat, H&M green scarf

Connie Cao

Travel & lifestyle blogger based in Melbourne, Australia. 


7000ft above the ground


corduroy & cape coats