backstage at shakuhachi


I've never covered a show backstage before so when I was invited to go backstage for Shakuhachi to check out the behind-the-scenes action, I admit I was a tad nervous. Not because I don't like Shakuhachi (in fact, I quite like Shakuhachi) but because I've never really worked with my camera indoors under harsh fluorescent lights and when I put indoor lighting and me together, I always end up with the answer: catastrophe! I went anyway, with low expectations and was thoroughly surprised when I came home with shots that were actually in focus. It must have been because I felt so at home with the Shak crew backstage that I just started snapping away without a care in the world. I had so much fun as well that looking back now, I wish I went BTS for more shows! I just love how you can get close and personal with the clothes and the models. You can see more clearly the details of things you would otherwise miss from even a front row seat at the show. The textures of the garments, the metallic silver eyeshadow and crystals under each eye, the slicked back hair and the general backstage buzz was so much fun to be around and I really can't wait to bring more of this type of FW coverage to my blog in the future. Hope you enjoy!

Connie Cao

Travel & lifestyle blogger based in Melbourne, Australia.


