Working From Home - How to Stay Productive WFH in Coronavirus Times

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With more and more people starting to work from home during these unprecedented few weeks as the world grapples with the coronavirus pandemic, I thought I’d share with you guys some tips that I use everyday when working from home. I’ve been working from home on my own business projects ever since I graduated from uni and over the years have created a really productive routine for me. As my job is creative but also digital based, these tips might fit better for those who work in similar areas, however, I’ve tried to keep them general enough to help everyone.

1. Follow your usual routine

Continue to wake up the same time as if you were going to work. However, now that you are saving on your travel time, you can use it for self-care or getting things done around the house you’d always wish you’d have time for. In the mornings, I like to use my 'free-ed up’ travel time on things like gardening, putting the dishes away, light exercise or meditation. It’s a nice way to start the day and having a clean house makes things feel more organised and calm. With working hours, I always start and end work the same time every day where possible. Of course, working from home does come with flexibility and whilst I try to keep my work day the same every day, I most definitely appreciate taking advantage of the flexibility that comes with working for myself when needed.

2. Take breaks during the day

Take breaks every hour - I use this time to head to the kitchen to have a drink of water or to do 1 x home task (like cleaning) to get myself moving. Definitely make time for short breaks and a lunch break, as you would do in the office. Even a walk around the house or having a look outside the window (especially if you have a view of trees) works well and is calming to the mind.

3. Work Near Nature if You Can

If you can set up your workspace near natural light, then do so! I find it helps a lot better for focus. I also find having a bit of greenery on your table like an indoor plant helps set a nice and relaxed feel as well.

4. Start Each Day with a To-Do List

I always start each day with a to-do list. My friend Jess from Planned By Jylsa makes incredible printables like to-do lists and other organisational items and I use her to-do list printable every single day. I find having a list at the start of the day definitely helps me see the big picture for the day and know the main tasks I need to get done.

5. Use airplane mode for focus

If you really need to focus and you’re finding you’re getting increasingly distracted by social media, consider turning of your wifi or putting your phone on airplane mode for an hour so you can get things done. Alternatively, do a quick clean of your desktop screen and close all unnecessary tabs and ear-mark them for later. If you have less things open, you’ll be less likely to get distracted.

6. Meal Prep

Whilst I often cook my lunch during the day, it’s definitely easier when I meal prep! If I’m cooking my lunch on Monday, I will try to cook 2-3 servings so that I can save time on the subsequent days. Alternatively, I often cook multiple portions of dinner and use it for lunch the next day.

7. Dress in What’s Best For You

If it helps, dress in smart casual wear and not pjs, so you feel like you’re at work. If this doesn’t matter to you, go ahead in pjs, you want to be at your most comfortable! I think this really depends on personal preference. For me, I don’t exactly have a work uniform but I love picking out beautiful pieces in my wardrobe to bring a bit of energy and light to my day. But I’ll always go for comfy loose fitting pieces like smock dresses or those beautiful gowns from Spell.

8. Monitor Your Coronavirus News Intake

If coronavirus is making you feel anxious, but you still want to keep up to date - sign up to a daily newsletter, or schedule a time to check the news once or twice a day only. I personally love keeping on top of the news but it can be so distracting because of how fast everything changes. But then I realised, there wasn’t really any point in being up to date by the minute because if I’m already staying at home and not going out, there’s nothing much on the news that I would need to know immediately or would affect my actions immediately. So it’s totally ok to read it at the end of the day instead!

Take care, keep safe and stay healthy everyone. Remember, it’s only a few months out of our lives so let’s all work together by staying home to flatten the curve.

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Connie Cao

Travel & lifestyle blogger based in Melbourne, Australia.

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