50 Things to Do at Home: #stayhome #flattenthecurve

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With cases rising so fast around the world, the responsibility of stopping coronavirus lies upon each and every one of us, at individuals, to stay at home. If you’re all cooped up at home and totally not used to it or bored out of your brains, it’s totally ok! Think of it as a little blessing in disguise, that we’ve finally been forced to take some time to slow down, pick up all those unfinished projects, roadmap our life plan and work on ourselves.

Don’t worry, I’ve got you - here’s a list of 50 things that you can do around the house. Most of them are things I’ve personally got on my list as well!

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  1. Organise your pantry: throw out things that are expired and challenge yourself to use what you have

  2. Organise your linen cupboard: sort items by style or item type

  3. Organise your wardrobe

  4. Declutter the house: sort and deal with that pile of junk on your desk and coffee table

  5. Vacuum & mop the floors

  6. Clean your vacuum / vacuum filters

  7. Deep clean the house: window sills, bathrooms, kitchen fans, sinks and all the other areas that collect grease and gunk but you never thought you had the time to clean

  8. Disinfect the house: disinfect door knobs, mobile phones, keyboards, desks, light switches and common use areas

  9. Organise your veggie garden planting or plan for a future garden

  10. Organise your skincare & makeup drawers: throw out expired products, cull and think about what products you really need or use going forward

  11. Organise your laundry and cleaning supplies

  12. Weed & prune plants in your garden

  13. Water your garden

  14. Organise your house plants (maintenance, watering, feeding, propogating)

  15. Read a new book

  16. Listen to a new podcast

  17. Watch a documentary or some Netflix (some shows I have recently seen include Dirty Money, Pandemic, Marriage Story)

  18. Print out some photo memories

  19. Create a vision board

  20. Experiment with a side hustle or passion project

  21. Paint a picture

  22. Journal

  23. Play a board game

  24. Catch up on your favourite YouTubers

  25. Yoga: some suggestions include Yoga by Adriene, Daily Yoga App or even Nike Training Club App has yoga work outs as well

  26. Do a home workout: There are many businesses offering free home workouts at the moment, as well as plenty on Youtube and IG Live as well.

  27. Meditate: Try apps like Calm and Headspace

  28. Wash your pet

  29. Learn a new recipe every week from one of your existing recipe books

  30. Meal prep and freeze meals in advance

  31. Organise your finances / create a budget

  32. Organise your filing cabinet

  33. Do a digital declutter of your computer

  34. Do a digital declutter of your phone

  35. Back up your computer / photos / digital files

  36. Organise your bookshelf

  37. Road map your Dream Life (dream life journal, etc)

  38. Realign your goals

  39. Join an online course in a topic you’ve always been interested in

  40. Check in on family and friends

  41. Reach out to Neighbours

  42. Pick up groceries for someone who can’t

  43. Encourage others to #StayHome

  44. FaceTime a friend

  45. Write a love letter

  46. Support a small business by shopping online

  47. Support businesses on social media by liking/commenting

  48. Leave a message of encouragement on your mailbox for the local community

  49. Switch off & connect with the ones you live with

  50. Sign up to Laurie Santos + Yale University’s free ‘The Science of Well Being’ course.'

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Connie Cao

Travel & lifestyle blogger based in Melbourne, Australia. 


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