8 Sustainable Living Books to Check Out

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Thought I’d share with you guys today some of my favourite books on growing my own food and living more sustainably and self-sufficiently. These are the books I’m always flipping through for ideas and it helps that they’re all so pretty too! If you’re interested in bringing in some more sustainable habits into your life, then definitely check out the list below and see if any pique your interest.

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Choosing Eden by Adrienne Langman: This book is one of the first books I read many years ago that inspired me. It follows the journey of an Australian couple who turned to living off their land and is a wonderful source of local inspiration.

The Simple Home by Rhonda Hetzel: This lovely handbook divides a range of simple-living topics into 12 months in the year, so that you can follow along throughout the year and tackle one area of your life at a time. There’s plenty of practical advice in this book which I love.

Slow Down and Grow Something by Byron Smith with Tess Robinson: I love this book for inspiration in growing food in all sorts of urban spaces. Plenty of tips and tricks and recipes as well.

The Little Veggie Patch Co. How to Grow Food in Small Spaces by Fabian Capomolla & Mat Pember: This book provides a great overview on a huge A-Z list of fruits and vegetables and how to care for them all and it also has plenty of instructionals on how to build things like tomato trellis’ and raised garden beds.

Milkwood by Kirsten Bradley & Nick Ritar: For those with special interests, Milkwood covers in great detail the topics of tomatoes, mushrooms, beekeeping, seaweed and wild food. Everything is written from a permaculture perspective and I especially loved the section on tomatoes which literally gave me so many ideas on how to both grow, harvest & preserve my tomato crop.

Low Tox Life by Alexx Stuart: I loved learning about harmful and questionable ingredients found in our day-to-day products in Alexx’s book as well as her simple recipes on creating plenty of products at home.

Down To Earth by Rhonda Hetzel: Another book by Rhonda, with plenty of tips for being more self-sufficient - baking bread, making soap and preserving fruit just to name a few.

Grown & Gathered by Matt & Lentil: Love this beautiful book for all its handy tips on growing fruit and veggies, as well as tips on foraging for things like mushrooms, native greens and wild fruit!

If you’re interested in browsing more books on similar topics, I usually browse Biome’s book section - they have an incredible curation of titles and quite a few of the above books were discovered & came from Biome.

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Connie Cao

Travel & lifestyle blogger based in Melbourne, Australia. 


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